Coffee around here is, well, sort of important. So is chocolate, but that's another story. Here it goes, the way we like it (not necessarily the way we have it most of the time, though...)

J O H N:
Double mocha capuccino with lots of whipped cream and perhaps a dusting of chocolate on top. Where else can you get the heady, mad flavor of chocolate and a wicked sugar/caffeine rush? Temperature really doesn't matter, either; hot or iced, it's the best.

E R I C:
Turkish: Black, jet black.

S C O T T:
I usually drink my coffee with half-and-half and sugar (i.e., more as a beverage than as a drug; when I really need the caffeine I just take No-Doz). I like hazelnut. Melitta makes good ground coffee; 8 O'Clock beans are decent.

A N A B E L L A:
Lots of cream and sugar for everyday use; frothed milk if available. Never just black or just with sugar for me; the stuff tastes like... oil. Love a good espresso, but only because it makes a great capuccino or latte. Cocoa on top. Hot, very hot. Unless it's summer, in which case my favorite is the Coffee Connection's Frappuccino (lots of cream, lots of sugar, lots of crushed ice), but I don't think of it as coffee; more like dessert in a handy walk-down-the-street-with-it container.

C R A I G:
Well, I don't do mornings. They usually push the first cup through the bars of my cage with a long pole. After about fifteen minutes--there better be two creamers and a short teaspoon of sugar in there too--my one eye evolves into two and I can stand up straight. Aside from my morning cup, I avoid it during the day. I prefer not to reach the addiction level where one gets headaches when its not consumed. I do, however, like a good cup at night if I go out to eat.

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