About us

skew is best viewed by a graphics capable World Wide Web browser. For optimal enjoyment the staff recommends Netscape Communication's Netscape Navigator. Yes, there are others, but this one is cooler.

How we make skew happen:

Editor & Creative Director: Anabella Wewer
Production Manager: Craig Constantine
Copy Editor: John Hall
Staff Writers: Scott Snyder, Eric Schmoyer, Jesse Garon, Dick Carlson
Thanks To: Nadine, for her PA Dutch cooking, and the Amish of Lancaster County (If someone out there is fortunate enough to know any of them, please give them our thanks. We are wondering if a solar powered PowerBook would be against the rules...)

Designed using Apple Macintosh Quadra and Power Macintosh computers, a UMAX Vista scanner, a Fujitsu 3.5" MO Drive, our Minolta and Canon cameras and Panasonic camcoders, our ever faithful coffee machine and the Coke machine downstairs.

Digital Equipment Corporation's AXP 3000-300LX running NSCA's httpd. Soon to be a secure server. Yeah!

Fractal Design Painter, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia FreeHand, Adobe Premiere, BBedit, GNU Emacs, Perl, PowerTalk, Qualcomm Eudora, Fetch- FTP for the Macintosh, GIFConverter, Transparency, and of course, Netscape Navigator 1.1.

Ice Cream World chocolate ice cream, curiosity, Coke (and some Pepsi...), strawberry shortcake, chow-chow and potato filling (but no scrapple, thanks), and complete utter amazement at the number of tourist attractions where they are clearly not wanted by the residents.

Sound Effects:
U2, Live, The Happy Boombadeers, Midnight Oil.

Apeiron, people fingering our server every two hours...

Legal stuff:
All contents and the look and feel of skew are copyrighted by Oasis Telecommunications, Inc., 1995. skew is a registered trademark of Oasis Telecommunications Inc. All artwork is protected both by Oasis Telecommunications Inc. and the artists who created them (they want more fonts and RAM).

Contributions & Letters to the Editor:
Unsolicited contributions to skew are welcome, but the Editor doesn't guarantee they'll be published. All contributions should be mailed to skew@ot.com, and become property of skew. The Editor will determine in a case by case basis, whether the contribution is relevant to the purpose of skew (yes, there is one), and whether it fits its style. Letters to the editor are also welcome and subject to editing for brevity, content and clarity.

All advertising inquiries should be mailed to skewads@ot.com, or call (610) 439-8560.

If you haven't already, please give us some feedback!
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