Late night munchies

Late nights seem to be the norm around here, so... here our favorites!

Three votes for thin crust bacon and hot pepper pizza
Apples with caramel
John and Anabella were adamant about anything chocolate
Dark chocolate Milky Way bars
Craig plays pool regularly at The Tally Ho (Bethlehem, PA) and his favorite is their Nachos:
chili (real, spicy chili), onions, black olives, shredded chedar cheese, jalapeno peppers (sliced), diced tomatoes, HOT salsa sauce HEAPED at least 6 inches high on a full-size dinner plate
Scott's partial to tortilla chips and salsa. Tostitos Restaurant Style is his brand of choice.
Don't get the baked ones, though; they taste like they've spent one too many days in the bottom of a gerbil cage. Every now and then he make sesame noodles: cold spaghetti w/ a sauce that starts out equal parts peanut butter, vinegar, and soy sauce, plus cayenne pepper, green onions, sesame sauce; mess around with the proportions to taste. The rest of us think of that as cooking and not snacking... (the pizza gets delivered by Domino's)

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